It has been a while since we all met to discuss the data analysis of ACLOUD. Now additional measurements from AFLUX are available.
Therefore, we propose a scientific workshop to continue and strengthen the interaction between the different measurement groups and the link to modelling activities.

Please note the following dates in your calender.
Begin: Monday    02.12.2019 start at noon 13:00
End:   Wednesday   04.12.2019 until noon 12:00

Monday and Tuesday will be dedicated to ACLOUD/AFLUX data. This gives us at least 1 1/2 days and time for deep discussion. We hope these days will fit to your schedules and will allow a fruitful discussion.
On Wednesday morning we plan to talk about the upcoming MOSAiC airborne activities with Polar 5. Since the situation for the airborne activities changed dramatically, it is important to revisit the scientific idea and possible flight plans.

Further information will be announced later.