CCA1: Changing Atmospheric Convection and Arctic Amplification
The name of CCA1 has been changed from “Lapse rate feedback” to “Changing Convection and Arctic Amplification”. In synthesis, we aim to understand what potential changes in convection mean for the changing Arctic water vapor, lapse rate, and cloud feedbacks and, as a result, Arctic amplification. We want to assess trends in the past and constrain simulations of future convection changes. The outcomes of CCA1 potentially have implications for the theme of Arctic-midlatitude linkages since they imply meso-scale circulation changes.
Main questions of CCA1
- How exactly is convection changing, are these changes more apparent in shallow or deep convection, and are there related cloudiness changes?
- Are there altered vertical radiative, latent, and/or sensible heat fluxes?
- Are shifts from advective to convective heating related to changes in the occurrences, intensity or properties of WAIs and/or CAOs, and/or related to ocean dynamics?