Z03/INF: Data management
PI: Matthias Buschmann (former PI: Justus Notholt)
The measurement and model activities proposed within (AC)³ have already and will continue to generate a large amount of scientific data both from measurements but also from simulations. The main objective of the Z03/INF project is to ensure long-term availability and publication of these data sets. The data cover a large variety of disciplines and have, therefore, different formats and data structures. In order to facilitate cooperation within (AC)³ and with the global scientific community, these data will be shared and inally published, following a strict open access policy. The publication of data will meet the standards set by the DFG (“Principles for the Handling of Research Data”) and the European Commission (FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). We have and are going to continue to use the World Data Centre (WDC) PANGAEA, an experienced data publisher for earth and environmental science, hosted and maintained by AWI and the University of Bremen. This will guarantee that the DFG and EC data principles are fully met, and that the data sets created within (AC)³ will be archived on a long-term basis and made publicly available. Each data set produced within (AC)³ will receive a persistent digital object identiier (DOI). The Z03/INF project specifically aims to provide assistance during the data publication process for the various project partners, and to serve as a link between the data publisher (PANGAEA) and the individual researchers of (AC)³. Additionally, the envisaged Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG in project Z02/MGK) provides the opportunity to train early career scientists and PhD students in research data management, open access, and open science. The experiences gained in the first phase of (AC)³ will lead to several improvements in the suggested data management approach. The adaptation of a scientific workflow with emphasis on data publication requires close collaboration between the data management project and the project PIs as early in the project as possible. For this purpose, in addition to the final data archival at PANGAEA, an intermediate data server will be established internally within (AC)³, to be used for early data exchange between the project partners during the data generation and exploration phase. The system has already been set up; it will be expanded and integrated into the workflow of the partners during the second phase at an early stage. In addition to working with the individual researchers, the lessons learned and developed “best-practice” methods will be shared with the partner institutions, to aid the creation and/or improvement of centralised data management facilities. Additionally, the Z03/INF project will exchange experiences gained within (AC)³ with the scientific data management community, e.g., via initiatives like the national research data infrastructure project (NFDI4Earth; the Speaker, M. Wendisch, of (AC)³ is a member of the Advisory Board for NFDI4Earth ).
Dr. Matthias Buschmann
Principal Investigator
University of Bremen
Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
28359 Bremen