Cluster D
Atmospheric Circulation & Transport
- Quantify contribtions to Arctic Amplification from atmospheric large-scale circulation & key regional forcing and feedback processes
- Identify physical processes and feedback mechanisms which are not adequately represented in climate models, test improved sub-grid scale parametrizations, improve representation of Arctic key processes in coupled and uncoupled cimate models
Key questions:
- How much do atmospheric energy transports depend on the ocean-atmosphere background state, the changing patterns of climate forcing, and the stratospheric variability? How strongly do particular feedback loops between sea ice retreat and atmosphere (associated with oceanic aerosol emissions and clouds or with leads and cyclones) impact Arctic amplification? What is the role of warm Atlantic water and shelf processes for the resilience of the Arctic cold halocline?
- Global and regional cimate models, CIMP5 global model ensemble, reanalysis and satellite data