PhD workshop, ‘Getting there – Career Development for Natural Scientists’
Klimahaus, Bremerhaven
Juliane Handschuh
24 Nov 2023, 10:00 – 18:00

Content and Aims

Planning a career in as well as outside science and academia can be a tiresome and long process, but the right tools at hand help manoeuvring this process both strategically and structurally. The Workshop “Getting there – Career Development for Natural Scientists” aimed at developing this tool set to both formulate and reach career goals.

In general, participants practiced how to:

  • Assess their current situation, including their skills and capabilities, personal set of values and interests.
  • Develop a precise career development plan including SMART career goals. Project management techniques are applied to plan and manage a successful career.
  • SuSuccessfully achieve their career goals and develop their individual future.

The concrete workshop plan was adapted according the interests of participants:

  • Assessment of the now
  • Finding Career Optiions
  • Making a Plan
  • Getting there


  • mindmapping
  • theoretical input
  • practice units in group and individual work
  • peer-to-peer feedback
  • dicussion in plenum